Jigjidsuren Gombojav
Bio: Jigjidsüren Gombojav is a Mongolian film director and screenwriter. [1] His films include The First Steps (Анхны Алхам) (1974), The Legend of Mother Oasis (Эх Бүрдийн Домог) (1975), Khatan-Bator (Хатанбаатар) (1981), Tears of the Rock Monument (Хүн Чулууны Нулимс) (1990), Warm Ashes (Бүлээн Нурам) (1991), and Traces of Existence (Амин Мөр) (1992)
Born: Sat, Jan 10 1942
Birthplace: Bayanjargalan sum of Töv Province
Jigjidsuren Gombojav is 83 years old