Portrait of Jesse Garon

Jesse Garon

Bio: Jessé Garon (born 1 August 1962 in La Rochelle, France) is a French artist, composer, singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist of blues, country, rock'n'roll. He became known in 1983 with songs including "C'est Lundi" (1st prize Interpress of French Song, 1984), "Lucky Dom Dom", "Nous Deux "("With You" in English; clip n° 1 in New York and Tokyo in summer 1985), "Le Prince du Rock'n'roll" (1986), "Elle n'a pas dit Oui" (1993), "Je Suis un Bohème" (2004) and others
Born: Wed, Aug 01 1962
Birthplace: La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France
Jesse Garon is 62 years old
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