Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Lisa and Lottie
Jan-Michael Brandt was ? in Lisa and Lottie as 'Line Producer'.Movie Released: Thu, May 10 2007

Derrick - Die Pflicht ruft!
Jan-Michael Brandt was ? in Derrick - Die Pflicht ruft! as 'Line Producer'.Movie Released: Thu, Apr 01 2004

Werner - Gekotzt wird später!
Jan-Michael Brandt was ? in Werner - Gekotzt wird später! as 'Producer'.Movie Released: Thu, Jul 17 2003

Kommando Störtebeker
Jan-Michael Brandt was ? in Kommando Störtebeker as 'Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Wed, Sep 19 2001

Staub vor der Sonne
Jan-Michael Brandt was ? in Staub vor der Sonne as 'Producer, Production Manager'.Movie Released: Sat, Oct 27 1990

The Battle of the Atlantic
Jan-Michael Brandt will be 0+ in The Battle of the Atlantic as 'Producer, Director'.Movie Released: Unreleased
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages