Portrait of Irena Santor

Irena Santor

Born: Sun, Dec 09 1934
Birthplace: Papowo Biskupie k. Bydgoszczy, Polska
Irena Santor is 90 years old
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Poster of Koncert na 707 ulic
Koncert na 707 ulic
Irena Santor was
34 in Koncert na 707 ulic
as 'Vocals'.
Sun, Feb 16 1969
Poster of Przeciwko bogom
Przeciwko bogom
Irena Santor was
26 in Przeciwko bogom
as 'Theme Song Performance'.
Wed, Sep 13 1961

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages