Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Ripper 2: Letter from Within
Geoff Griffith was ? in Ripper 2: Letter from Within as 'Line Producer'.Movie Released: Tue, Aug 03 2004

Princess of Thieves
Geoff Griffith was ? in Princess of Thieves as 'Co-Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Sun, Mar 11 2001

Project Shadowchaser II
Geoff Griffith was ? in Project Shadowchaser II as 'Producer'.Movie Released: Sat, May 14 1994

Project: Shadowchaser
Geoff Griffith was ? in Project: Shadowchaser as 'Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Thu, Jul 02 1992

The Runner
Geoff Griffith was ? in The Runner as 'Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Sun, Apr 05 1992

Ultimate Desires
Geoff Griffith was ? in Ultimate Desires as 'Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Wed, Jul 31 1991

Xtro 2: The Second Encounter
Geoff Griffith was ? in Xtro 2: The Second Encounter as 'Executive Producer'.Movie Released: Fri, May 04 1990
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages