Movies (As Crew)
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Federico Gatti was 24 in 307-r as 'Writer, Director, Producer'.Movie Released: Thu, Oct 29 2015

I Am Not God But I Am Michelangelo Antonioni
Federico Gatti will be 34+ in I Am Not God But I Am Michelangelo Antonioni as 'Executive Producer, Writer, Director'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Un polpo, ovvero: breve manuale per districarsi dalla malasorte nelle situazioni meno idonee
Federico Gatti will be 34+ in Un polpo, ovvero: breve manuale per districarsi dalla malasorte nelle situazioni meno idonee as 'Producer, Director, Writer'.Movie Released: Unreleased
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages