Portrait of Christian Volckman

Christian Volckman

Bio: Christian Volckman, a graduate of Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques in Paris, is a French painter, graphic designer, photographer, author and producer. He is mostly known for his motion capture animation effort Renaissance, which was internationally released in 2006 and received mixed reviews from movie critics
Born: Fri, Jan 01 1971
Christian Volckman is 53 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of The Room
The Room
Christian Volckman was
48 in The Room
as 'Director, Idea, Writer'.
Thu, Sep 12 2019
Poster of Renaissance
Christian Volckman was
35 in Renaissance
as 'Director, Production Design'.
Thu, Mar 16 2006
Poster of Maaz
Christian Volckman was
28 in Maaz
as 'Director, Writer'.
Fri, Jan 01 1999
Poster of The Kid: An Animated Adventure
The Kid: An Animated Adventure
Christian Volckman will be
53+ in The Kid: An Animated Adventure
as 'Director, Writer'.

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages