Portrait of Chloé Micout

Chloé Micout

Bio: From the age of seven, Chloe created her first animations and comics on her father's Macintosh. At the age of 21, Chloé gathered about 60 students and created TéléSorbonne (one hour of weekly production broadcast in the amphis de la Sorbonne)
Born: Mon, Oct 03 1977
Birthplace: France
Chloé Micout is 47 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Le Goût du crime
Le Goût du crime
Chloé Micout was
45 in Le Goût du crime
as 'Director'.
Sat, Apr 15 2023
Poster of Happy Emily
Happy Emily
Chloé Micout will be
47+ in Happy Emily
as 'Writer, Director'.
Poster of Maudits
Chloé Micout will be
47+ in Maudits
as 'Director'.

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages