Portrait of Bert Visscher

Bert Visscher

Bio: Birth Name: Albertus Visscher (born Groningen, 26 oktober 1960) is a Dutch comedian, that is known for his agile and almost ADHD like behavior. Al tough a lot faster, his humor (and looks) are more than once compared to the Britich actor/comedian Tommy Cooper
Born: Wed, Oct 26 1960
Birthplace: Groningen
Bert Visscher is 64 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Bert Visscher: Stoffe Jongens
Bert Visscher: Stoffe Jongens
Bert Visscher was
48 in Bert Visscher: Stoffe Jongens
as 'Writer'.
Thu, Oct 01 2009
Poster of Bert Visscher: Geluk zit in hele grote dingen
Bert Visscher: Geluk zit in hele grote dingen
Bert Visscher was
41 in Bert Visscher: Geluk zit in hele grote dingen
as 'Writer'.
Thu, Sep 12 2002
Poster of Bert Visscher: Fijne Nuances
Bert Visscher: Fijne Nuances
Bert Visscher was
35 in Bert Visscher: Fijne Nuances
as 'Writer'.
Mon, Jan 01 1996

TV Shows (As Crew)

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