Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Lonely are the Brave
Arthur B. Smith was 59 in Lonely are the Brave as 'Sound Designer'.Movie Released: Thu, May 24 1962

Dragstrip Riot
Arthur B. Smith was 55 in Dragstrip Riot as 'Sound Mixer'.Movie Released: Sat, Mar 01 1958

Godzilla, the Monster of the Pacific Ocean
Arthur B. Smith was 54 in Godzilla, the Monster of the Pacific Ocean as 'Sound'.Movie Released: Thu, Mar 14 1957

Tension at Table Rock
Arthur B. Smith was 54 in Tension at Table Rock as 'Sound'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 03 1956

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!
Arthur B. Smith was 53 in Godzilla, King of the Monsters! as 'Sound'.Movie Released: Fri, May 18 1956

New Orleans Uncensored
Arthur B. Smith was 52 in New Orleans Uncensored as 'Sound Recordist'.Movie Released: Tue, Mar 01 1955

The Lady Confesses
Arthur B. Smith was 42 in The Lady Confesses as 'Sound Engineer'.Movie Released: Wed, May 16 1945

I Accuse My Parents
Arthur B. Smith was 42 in I Accuse My Parents as 'Sound'.Movie Released: Fri, Oct 27 1944

Seven Doors to Death
Arthur B. Smith was 41 in Seven Doors to Death as 'Sound Engineer'.Movie Released: Wed, Aug 16 1944

Delinquent Daughters
Arthur B. Smith was 41 in Delinquent Daughters as 'Sound Engineer'.Movie Released: Sat, Jul 15 1944
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages