Bio: Archie Parker is a director/actor from the Midlands. He has written and directed two feature films and multiple shorts, all of which are on YouTube
Archie Parker was 18 in Winona Forever as 'Writer, Director, Music, Editor, Producer, Production Design, Camera Operator, Casting, Lighting Design, Sound, Visual Effects, Colorist, Title Designer, Costume Designer, Set Designer'.
Archie Parker was 17 in SEEING DOUBLE as 'Producer, Director, Editor, Writer, Director of Photography, Camera Operator, Costume Designer, Music Supervisor, Casting, Visual Effects, Colorist, Title Designer'.
Movie Released: Sat, May 20 2023
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages