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Akio Fukuda
: Unknown birthdate.
Akio Fukuda is
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Akio Fukuda was
in Kuma-chan
as 'Character Designer'.
Movie Released:
Sat, Apr 24 1993
Kekko Kamen 3
Akio Fukuda was
in Kekko Kamen 3
as 'Art Direction'.
Movie Released:
Fri, Apr 23 1993
Kekko Kamen 2: We'll be back...
Akio Fukuda was
in Kekko Kamen 2: We'll be back...
as 'Art Direction'.
Movie Released:
Fri, Mar 27 1992
Report on Latent Narcotic Substances in the Brain: Drugless
Akio Fukuda was
in Report on Latent Narcotic Substances in the Brain: Drugless
as 'Art Direction'.
Movie Released:
Fri, Apr 26 1991
Guinea Pig: Mermaid in the Manhole
Akio Fukuda was
in Guinea Pig: Mermaid in the Manhole
as 'Production Design'.
Movie Released:
Mon, Jul 25 1988
TV Shows (As Crew)
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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
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