![Uehara Takuya Portrait of Uehara Takuya](http://mail.actoragecheck.com/lost-image.jpg)
Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date![Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania Poster of Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania](http://mail.actoragecheck.com/image/L3EzWUcyd0pDR0tTU3R6YmVWQ1NlVDlqbHZEWi5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
Uehara Takuya was
30 in Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
as 'Grell Sutcliff'.
Wed, Jun 27 2018
![Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World Poster of Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World](http://mail.actoragecheck.com/image/L29oRWdhWGNzQWFkcFFQem1JTGdjdzhoenNBUC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World
Uehara Takuya was
25 in Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World
as 'Grell Sutcliff'.
Sat, Jan 18 2014
![Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris That Blazes the Earth Poster of Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris That Blazes the Earth](http://mail.actoragecheck.com/image/L21qVk81b29ESnZhRGNhUFE1T3prSWZTanZqcC5qcGcAACh231.jpg)
Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris That Blazes the Earth
Uehara Takuya will be
36+ in Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris That Blazes the Earth
as 'Grell Sutcliff'.
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages