Portrait of Tommys' Masa

Tommys' Masa

Born: Thu, Dec 24 1959
Tommys' Masa is 65 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of When You Wish Upon A Star
When You Wish Upon A Star
Tommys' Masa was
51 in When You Wish Upon A Star
Sat, Apr 02 2011
Poster of Akumyoh 2
Akumyoh 2
Tommys' Masa was
41 in Akumyoh 2
Tue, Nov 20 2001
Poster of Yakuza Ladies 10
Yakuza Ladies 10
Tommys' Masa was
40 in Yakuza Ladies 10
Sat, Jul 22 2000
Poster of Manji Mai 3: I will let you go Paradise Jodo
Manji Mai 3: I will let you go Paradise Jodo
Tommys' Masa was
36 in Manji Mai 3: I will let you go Paradise Jodo
Sat, May 18 1996

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages