Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
On the Shoulders of Giants
Todd Friel was ? in On the Shoulders of Giants as 'Host'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 01 2012

The Case for Atheism
Todd Friel was ? in The Case for Atheism as 'himself'.Movie Released: Sun, Jan 01 2012

Wretched Worldview - Atheism
Todd Friel will be 0+ in Wretched Worldview - Atheism as 'Host'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Wretched Worldview - Biblical Manhood
Todd Friel will be 0+ in Wretched Worldview - Biblical Manhood as 'Host'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Wretched Worldview - Anxiety
Todd Friel will be 0+ in Wretched Worldview - Anxiety as 'Host'.Movie Released: Unreleased

Christian Liberty: Disagreeing on Matters of the Conscience
Todd Friel will be 0+ in Christian Liberty: Disagreeing on Matters of the Conscience as 'Host'.Movie Released: Unreleased
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages