Portrait of Scott O'Keeffe

Scott O'Keeffe

Bio: Scott O'Keeffe (born April 20, 1998) is an Irish film director, producer, and screenwriter. Born in Dublin, with films such as The Spaceman Who Came To Tea (2022) and It Goes On (2022), while Life, Once More (2023) is in post-production and is expected to premiere early next year
Born: Mon, Apr 20 1998
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
Scott O'Keeffe is 26 years old
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Poster of The Spaceman Who Came To Tea
The Spaceman Who Came To Tea
Scott O'Keeffe will be 26+ in The Spaceman Who Came To Tea as 'The Alien'.
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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