Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
Anything for a Friend
Paolo Rosani was 23 in Anything for a Friend as 'Mark Taylor / Bud Randall'.Movie Released: Sun, Feb 18 1973

Even If I Wanted to Work, What Do I Do?
Paolo Rosani was 22 in Even If I Wanted to Work, What Do I Do? as 'Asvero'.Movie Released: Fri, Apr 28 1972

The Forbidden Decameron
Paolo Rosani was 22 in The Forbidden Decameron as 'Bruno'.Movie Released: Wed, Mar 22 1972

Three Giants of the Roman Empire
Paolo Rosani was 21 in Three Giants of the Roman Empire as 'Claudio'.Movie Released: Fri, Aug 13 1971

Django and Sartana Are Coming... It's the End
Paolo Rosani was 20 in Django and Sartana Are Coming... It's the End as 'Silky - Burt Keller's Brother'.Movie Released: Sat, Nov 14 1970
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages