Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
Ed's Eaten Elevenses
Péter Halász would have been no older than 62 in Ed's Eaten Elevenses as 'Kapa's father'.Movie Released: Thu, Oct 12 2006

Herminafields - Zeitgeist
Péter Halász would have been no older than 62 in Herminafields - Zeitgeist Movie Released: Thu, Mar 23 2006

The Battle of Mohács
Péter Halász was 60 in The Battle of Mohács as 'Pepe's boss / Suleiman the Magnificent'.Movie Released: Thu, Feb 26 2004

Simon, the Magician
Péter Halász was 56 in Simon, the Magician as 'Péter'.Movie Released: Fri, Sep 17 1999

Why Wasn't He There?
Péter Halász was 50 in Why Wasn't He There? as 'Béla'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 27 1993

Fat Man and Little Boy
Péter Halász was 46 in Fat Man and Little Boy as 'George Kistiakowsky'.Movie Released: Fri, Oct 20 1989
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages