Portrait of Nicolas Rey

Nicolas Rey

Bio: French filmmaker Nicolas Rey has directed a series of remarkable fictional documentaries, intricate feature-length (and sometimes longer) essay films that meld historical fact with fantasy and autobiography while implementing modernist literary strategies to unravel heady and playful ruminations on ideological and cinematographic technologies. Equally philosophical and structuralist-materialist, Rey's cinema uses lyrical, ludic and topographical forms of narrative to question the definition and limits of the State and cinematic illusionism
Born: Mon, Jan 01 1968
Nicolas Rey is 57 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Hymne à la gazelle
Hymne à la gazelle
Nicolas Rey was 35 in Hymne à la gazelle as 'Commentator'.
Movie Released: Wed, Nov 26 2003
Poster of Cinexpérimentaux #2: Nicolas Rey
Cinexpérimentaux #2: Nicolas Rey
Nicolas Rey was 33 in Cinexpérimentaux #2: Nicolas Rey
Movie Released: Mon, Jan 01 2001

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages