Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
I Want to Get Married
Mammad Sadigov was 70 in I Want to Get Married as 'Hasan'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 03 1983

The Mother in Law
Mammad Sadigov was 65 in The Mother in Law as 'Mashadi Kazim'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 03 1978

I Compose a Song
Mammad Sadigov was 65 in I Compose a Song as 'Villager'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 02 1978

The Tempestuous Kura
Mammad Sadigov was 55 in The Tempestuous Kura as 'Villager'.Movie Released: Sun, Apr 13 1969

In the Name of the Law
Mammad Sadigov was 55 in In the Name of the Law as 'Prisoner'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 01 1968

Why do You Remain Silent?
Mammad Sadigov was 53 in Why do You Remain Silent? Movie Released: Sun, Dec 11 1966

The Twenty Six Comissars
Mammad Sadigov was 52 in The Twenty Six Comissars Movie Released: Wed, Feb 16 1966

The Invincible Battalion
Mammad Sadigov was 52 in The Invincible Battalion Movie Released: Sun, Dec 19 1965

Under the Burning Sun
Mammad Sadigov was 44 in Under the Burning Sun as 'Villager'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 29 1957

If Not This, Then That
Mammad Sadigov was 43 in If Not This, Then That as 'Bey'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 30 1956
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages