Portrait of Malek Brahimi (Freeman)

Malek Brahimi (Freeman)

Bio: Freeman, whose real name is Abdel Malek Brahimi, born May 9, 1972 in Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, is a French dancer, composer and rapper of Algerian origin. At the end of 1988, Freeman met Akhenaton and Shurik'N who then formed a rap group called B
Born: Tue, May 09 1972
Birthplace: Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) is 52 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Poster of IAM Concert Alcaline
IAM Concert Alcaline
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
44 in IAM Concert Alcaline
as 'Self'.
Thu, Mar 09 2017
Poster of IAM Concert Arte Studio
IAM Concert Arte Studio
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
42 in IAM Concert Arte Studio
as 'Self'.
Thu, Dec 04 2014
Poster of IAM Concert Mouv'Live
IAM Concert Mouv'Live
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
40 in IAM Concert Mouv'Live
as 'Self'.
Thu, Jul 05 2012
Poster of IAM Live au Dôme de Marseille
IAM Live au Dôme de Marseille
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
32 in IAM Live au Dôme de Marseille
as 'Self'.
Tue, Dec 14 2004
Poster of Au Cœur d'IAM : Génèse d'un album
Au Cœur d'IAM : Génèse d'un album
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
31 in Au Cœur d'IAM : Génèse d'un album
as 'Self'.
Mon, Feb 02 2004
Poster of Akhenaton : Live au dock des suds
Akhenaton : Live au dock des suds
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
30 in Akhenaton : Live au dock des suds
as 'Self'.
Tue, Nov 05 2002
Poster of The Magnet
The Magnet
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
28 in The Magnet
as 'Kakou'.
Wed, May 31 2000
Poster of RapLine
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
21 in RapLine
as 'Self'.
Fri, Sep 10 1993

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Victoires de la musique
Victoires de la musique
Malek Brahimi (Freeman) was
13+ in Victoires de la musique
as 'Self'.
First Air Date
Sat, Nov 23 1985