Portrait of Lianne Steenkamp

Lianne Steenkamp

Bio: Lianne Steenkamp is a Dutch wildlife filmmaker who wants to create awareness for the beauty and vulnerability of lions who are in decline in most parts of Africa. Lianne and her husband Will's main focus is currently on the Desert lions of Namibia, but they aim to provide support for all the vanishing lion populations in Africa
Born: Unknown birthdate.
Lianne Steenkamp is ?
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Lions of Namibia: The Kings of the Desert
Lions of Namibia: The Kings of the Desert
Lianne Steenkamp was ? in Lions of Namibia: The Kings of the Desert
Movie Released: Wed, May 27 2015

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages