Portrait of Krystian Tomczak

Krystian Tomczak

Born: Sun, Jun 17 1923
Birthplace: Poznań, Niemcy (obecnie Polska)

Death: Sat, May 13 1989
Krystian Tomczak is 65 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Lava
Krystian Tomczak would have been no older than
65 in Lava
as 'Valet'.
Mon, Nov 06 1989
Poster of The Twenties, the Thirties
The Twenties, the Thirties
Krystian Tomczak was
60 in The Twenties, the Thirties
as 'Porębski'.
Mon, Mar 19 1984
Poster of Wherever You Are, Mr. President
Wherever You Are, Mr. President
Krystian Tomczak was
55 in Wherever You Are, Mr. President
Tue, Sep 12 1978

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Dom
Krystian Tomczak was
57+ in Dom
as 'komunista w Sierpuchowie, konduktor w pociągu z Moskwy'.
First Air Date
Sun, Nov 09 1980
Poster of Clouds of War
Clouds of War
Krystian Tomczak was
50+ in Clouds of War
as 'młynarz'.
First Air Date
Sun, Dec 23 1973