Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
High School Teacher: Maturing
Kosuke Yoda was ? in High School Teacher: Maturing as 'Ichiro Kanai'.Movie Released: Tue, Jan 15 1985

Debauchery: Salome's Lips
Kosuke Yoda was ? in Debauchery: Salome's Lips as 'Yukihiko Iikura'.Movie Released: Sat, Sep 15 1984

Female Teacher: Twice Raped
Kosuke Yoda was ? in Female Teacher: Twice Raped as 'Satoru Tamaki'.Movie Released: Fri, Nov 18 1983
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages