Portrait of Jayson Malhana

Jayson Malhana

Bio: Jayson Malhana started in the study of photography on YouTube at the age of 7, where he made videos and short films for more than 10 years. While he spend time in the platform, he developed an interest in digital and technologies which then led him to make films about consumerism as well as dependence on screens
Born: Unknown birthdate.
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Hyper Loupé
Hyper Loupé
Jayson Malhana was ? in Hyper Loupé as 'Archéologue'.
Movie Released: Wed, Aug 28 2024
Poster of La Jetée 4: CAPTIF
La Jetée 4: CAPTIF
Jayson Malhana was ? in La Jetée 4: CAPTIF as 'Tobey Saint Honoré, The GOAT'.
Movie Released: Sat, Jun 08 2024
Poster of La Jetée 5: World Cup Heroes
La Jetée 5: World Cup Heroes
Jayson Malhana will be 0+ in La Jetée 5: World Cup Heroes as 'Tobey Saint Honoré'.
Movie Released: Unreleased

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages