Movies (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release Date
Bohdan Zynoviy Khmelnytsky
Gennadi Bolotov would have been no older than 65 in Bohdan Zynoviy Khmelnytsky Movie Released: Sun, May 04 2008

Personal Weapon
Gennadi Bolotov was 52 in Personal Weapon as 'Osipenko'.Movie Released: Sat, May 02 1992

Tethered to the Runway
Gennadi Bolotov was 49 in Tethered to the Runway as 'Gennady Georgievich Voronin'.Movie Released: Sun, Jan 01 1989

Coast Warning
Gennadi Bolotov was 48 in Coast Warning as 'Petr Fedorovich Volokusha - deputy director of the plant'.Movie Released: Sat, Apr 30 1988

To proceed with the investigation. Movie 2: Slander
Gennadi Bolotov was 46 in To proceed with the investigation. Movie 2: Slander Movie Released: Sun, May 25 1986

In the Forests Near Kovel
Gennadi Bolotov was 44 in In the Forests Near Kovel as 'Vladimir Nikolaevich Druzhinin'.Movie Released: Thu, Feb 02 1984

Girl and the Sea
Gennadi Bolotov was 41 in Girl and the Sea as 'боцман Гнат Гнатыч'.Movie Released: Sun, Mar 01 1981

A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers
Gennadi Bolotov was 40 in A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers Movie Released: Mon, Oct 15 1979

Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulya
Gennadi Bolotov was 39 in Country Trip of Sgt. Tsybulya as 'Commissioned Officer'.Movie Released: Wed, Jun 13 1979
TV Shows (Acting Roles)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages