Portrait of Aldo Francia

Aldo Francia

Bio: If there is a filmmaker who embodies the so-called New Chilean Cinema, it is Aldo Francia. Although he was the author of a short filmography of only two finished films, Valparaíso mi amor (1969) and Ya no basta con rezar (1972), France understood cinema from the first moment as a collective action and his individual authorship always remained in the background with respect to his most beloved creation: the Viña del Mar Film Festival
Born: Thu, Aug 30 1923
Birthplace: Valparaíso

Death: Tue, Oct 15 1996
Aldo Francia is 73 years old
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Poster of State of Siege
State of Siege
Aldo Francia was 49 in State of Siege
Movie Released: Sat, Dec 30 1972

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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