Portrait of 川村一代


Born: Unknown birthdate.
川村一代 is ?
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Private Detective DOBU 5: The Pinwheel Murder Case
Private Detective DOBU 5: The Pinwheel Murder Case
川村一代 was
? in Private Detective DOBU 5: The Pinwheel Murder Case
Fri, Feb 11 1983
Poster of Yoru no yūwaku-sha hisho-chi no kyōfu kinpatsu bijo o nerau kyūketsu no kiba
Yoru no yūwaku-sha hisho-chi no kyōfu kinpatsu bijo o nerau kyūketsu no kiba
川村一代 was
? in Yoru no yūwaku-sha hisho-chi no kyōfu kinpatsu bijo o nerau kyūketsu no kiba
Sat, Aug 14 1982

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages